Why should I choose icoconverter.net?

Icoconverter.net is providing you with the best icon generator. The software is designed for everyone to you use without any barriers. You will never face any problem while converting your images to icons with icoconverter.net.

Our website provides you the assurance of your files protection. If you are using icoconverter.net, then there is no need to worry about the privacy of your images. You can convert your images into icons freely and securely with our website. Our website’s main priority is your privacy so that you all can have a safe platform for converting your images into icons.

Our website supports many file types for the conversion of images into icons. Your image can be a GIF, JPG, PNG OR BMP file. All these image types can be converted with just one click by you on the convert button. As well as you are not restricted to a limited number of conversions, you are allowed to convert unlimited images as per your need.

Icoconverter.net also allows you to set dimensions as you like or want. The icons can be various dimensions up to your ease. The icon generator is available for you to be used very easily, freely and securely. The website does not demand any premium service to be bought for the use of icon maker in future.

The icoconverter.net is the free online converter for you that is easily distinguishable and the best icon maker and converter. This small tool is very free to use program that is available for all the people around the globe. You are most welcome to provide us with your feedback, feel free to contact us using the contact form.